New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice

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New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice

Post by salsinawi »

New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP-2) (


CHAPTER 1: Aim and Scope of the IASPEI New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (P. Bormann)
PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP_r1_ch1

CHAPTER 2: Seismic Wave Propagation and Earth Models (P. Bormann, E. R. Engdahl and R. Kind)
PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_CH2

CHAPTER 3: Seismic Sources and Source Parameters (P. Bormann, M. Baumbach, G. Bock, H. Grosser, G.L: Choy and J. Boatwright)
PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP_r1_ch3

CHAPTER 4: Seismic Signals and Noise (P. Bormann)
PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP_r1_ch4

CHAPTER 5: Seismic Sensors and their Calibration (E. Wielandt)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch5

CHAPTER 6: Seismic Recording Systems(G. Asch)
PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP_r1_ch6

CHAPTER 7: Site Selection, Preparation and Installation of Seismic Stations (A. Trnkoczy, P. Bormann, W. Hanka, L. G. Holcomb, R. L. Nigbor, M. Shinohara, K. Suyehiro and H. Shiobara)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch7

CHAPTER 8: Seismic Networks (J. Havskov, L. Ottemöller, A. Trnkoczy and P. Bormann)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch8

CHAPTER 9: Seismic Arrays (J. Schweitzer, J. Fyen, S. Mykkeltveit, S.J. Gibbons, M. Pirli, D. Kühn and T. Kvaerna)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch9

CHAPTER 10: Seismic Data Formats, Archival and Exchange (B. Dost, J. Zednik, J. Havskov, R. J. Willemann and P. Bormann)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch10

CHAPTER 11: Data Analysis and Seismogram Interpretation (P. Bormann, K. Klinge and S. Wendt)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP_r1_ch11

CHAPTER 12: Intensity and Intensity Scales (R. M. W. Musson and I. Ceci´c)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch12

CHAPTER 13: Volcano Seismology (J. Wassermann)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch13

CHAPTER 14: Investigation of Site Response in Urban Areas by using Earthquake Data and Seismic Noise (S. Parolai) PDF. - DOI:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch14

CHAPTER 15: Seismological Contributions to Seismic Risk Mitigation (G. Gibson)

CHAPTER 16: Automated Event and Phase Identification (L. Küperkoch, T. Meier and T. Diehl)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch16

CHAPTER 17: CTBTO: Goal, Networks, Data Analysis and Data Availability (J. Coyne, D. Bobrov, P. Bormann, E. Duran, P. Grenard, G. Haralabus, I. Kitov and Y. Starovoit)
PDF. - DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch17

Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice


The science of seismology depends critically on data collected at hundreds of observatories world-wide. These observatories are operated by a variety of agencies, staffed by seismologists and technicians whose training and interests vary widely. They are equipped with hardware and software ranging from very traditional analog technology to highly versatile and sophisticated digital technology. While in industrialized countries the observatory personnel normally have easy access to up-to-date technologies, spare parts, infrastructure, know-how, consultancy and maintenance services, those working in developing countries are often required to do a reliable job with very modest means and without much outside assistance.

To ensure that the data from these observatories can be properly processed and interpreted once it has been acquired and compiled, it is necessary to establish protocols for all aspects of observatory operation which may effect the seismological data itself. In addition, competent guidance is often required in the stages of planning, bidding, procurement, site-selection, and installation of new seismic observatories and networks so that they will later meet basic international standards for data exchange and processing in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The most successful such effort to date has been the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice. The most recent edition of the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice was published in 1979 as Report SE-20 of the World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics. It was reprinted in 1982, but has been long out of print. For many years the Manual has been effectively impossible to obtain.

Seismology has undergone a technological revolution since publication of the Manual, driven by cheap computer power, the development of a new generation of seismometers and digital recording systems with very broad bandwidth and high dynamic range, and the discovery of the Internet as a vehicle for rapid, large-scale data exchange. As the seismological community switches from analog to digital technology, many sections of the 1979 Manual are becoming obsolete or irrelevant, and the Manual contains no guidance in many areas which have become of critical importance.

Therefore the Commission on Seismological Observation and Interpretation (formerly, Commission on Practice) of IASPEI initiated in 1996 a project to produce a new edition of the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice. This project was under the overall guidance of Prof. Dr. Peter Bormann. The new printed edition was published in 2002, and a slightly revised/corrected version made available on the internet as NMSOP-1 in 2009. Yet, already in 2005, IASPEI requested the editor to envisage an updated, amended second edition that is freely available on the Internet. The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences agreed to implement and maintain such a long-term NMSOP website in collaboration with the International Seismological Centre and the IASPEI Commissions on Seismic Observation and Interpretation as well as Education and Outreach.

Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (1979 Edition)

As a step in the production of a new Manual, the IASPEI Commission on Practice recommended, at the 21st General Assembly of the IUGG ( in Boulder, Colorado, that the 1979 Edition be reproduced electronically, to provide a readily-available reference document for the contributors to the new edition and to other interested persons.

NEW Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (first editions 2002 and 2009)

The New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP or "the Manual") was produced in 2002 under the overall guidance of Prof. Dr. Peter Bormann. NMSOP is a continuation and significant expansion of the materials and guidance provided by the earlier Willmore (1979) Manual of (analogue) Seismological Observatory Practice (MSOP), introducing also into the new era of digital seismology. A slightly revised/corrected version is available on the internet as NMSOP-1 since 2009. The latter can be downloaded for free using the title link above or, if you require printed hard copies, they can be ordered at the GFZ library (30 EUR for two volumes of 1250 pages + shipment cost) via the new link

NEW Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (second Edition NMSOP-2, 2012)

Since March 2012 most of NMSOP-2 is on the Web, to be completed during 2012. With 4 new and 13 substantially amended topical Chapters, many new or significantly revised/amended Information Sheets, Data Sheets, Exercises, Tutorials, educational animations, programs and the largest ever published glossary of seismological and related earth scientific and engineering terms NMSOP-2 is the largest seismology e-book currently available. It is accessible via the website, which provides also a link to NMSOP-1
The printed first edition of the IASPEI New Manual of Seismological Observatory
Practice (NMSOP), elaborated under the conceptual guidance and editorship of Prof.
Dr. Peter Bormann, was published in 2002 by the GFZ German Research Centre for
Geosciences (Helmholtz Association). NMSOP-1 is used already in more than 100
countries in seismological practice, national and international training courses,
teaching and research. Meanwile, it is also available as a print publication in
Chinese and in partial translations into Russian, Indonesian and Turkish language.
Under the editorship of P. Bormann (GFZ), 73 authors from Australia, Japan,
Taiwan, USA and 15 European countries have contributed to NMSOP-2 and more
than 70 experts from 20 countries provided peer reviews. Most of the original 13
NMSOP-1 chapters have been revised significantly and five new topical areas were
added. They cover marine seismic observations, investigation of site response in
urban areas, seismological contributions to seismic risk mitigation, automated
event and phase identification as well as issues and procedures related to nuclear
test-ban treaty monitoring. Additionally, information sheets on many new topics
have been added, e.g. on the recently agreed IASPEI standards for determining
magnitudes from digital data, on stress conditions inferable from modern
magnitudes, on seismic energy determination from local and regional seismic
events, on the optimization of seismic network configurations and on selforganizing
seismic early warning information networks. All this is (respectively will
be) complemented by interactive exercises, tutorials and computer animations, e.g.
on earthquake rupture and tsunami propagation, on seismic ray propagation
through the Earth in relation to the formation of travel-time curves and seismic
records, on the radiation patterns of P and S waves for different rupture
mechanisms and slip orientations, on 3-D viewing and interpretation of earthquake
clusters etc.
Before NSMOP, text books in seismology generally focussed either on a general,
graduate-level introduction or on specialized theory and research. After the era of
analog seismology and thus of the 1979 Willmore Manual had ended, virtually no
material was available that provided both the scientific background and the
competent unique guidance for carrying out modern seismological observation, data
analysis and field operation practice. Yet, these activities increasingly depend on
global communication, data exchange and standardization of formats and
procedures as well as interdisciplinary cooperation, which necessitates the
understanding of related differences in technical terminology, approaches and
procedures. The printed first edition of the NMSOP aimed at filling these gaps.
NMSOP-2 now allows the download of dozens of computer programs for data
analysis, instrument calibration, event locations, network performance assessment
and educational animations. Finally, besides a highly extended list of Acronyms,
NMSOP-2 contains the largest ever published glossary of terms in earthquake,
volcano and engineering seismology (200 pages). It will notably facilitate the
mutual understanding between earth scientists, engineers, educators, disaster
managers, decision makers and journalists.
All items can be viewed and downloaded via the NMSOP website maintained by the
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany
(; doi: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2). The NMSOP-1 and
NMSOP-2 websites are also mirrored on the websites of the International
Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth´s Interior (IASPEI; and the International Seismological
Centre (ISC;
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