SIAM Conf."Math&Comp in Geosciences June 2015,Stanford CA

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SIAM Conf."Math&Comp in Geosciences June 2015,Stanford CA

Post by salsinawi »

SIAM Conf."Math & Compu in Geosciences June 2015,Stanford California


SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences

June 29 – July 2, 2015
Stanford University
Stanford, California USA
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences.

Conference registration and sessions will take place on the Stanford University campus. Registration and sessions will be located in the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center.
To RSVP to the conference on Facebook and connect with other attendees, find roommates etc., please visit ... /?source=1.
If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions. The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMGS15.

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Margot Gerritsen, Stanford University, USA
Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF, Norway
Iuliu Sorin Pop, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Organizing Committee
Laurent Demanet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Marc Hesse, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Robert Higdon, Oregon State University, USA
Ibrahim Hoteit, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabi
Hans Kaper, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Scott King, Virginia Tech, USA
Ulisses Mello, IBM Research, Brazil
Jennifer Suckale, Stanford University, USA
Carol S. Woodward, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA


From points of view ranging from science to public policy, there is a growing interest in modeling and simulation of geosystems and their applications. Some examples include petroleum exploration and recovery, underground waste disposal and cleanup of hazardous waste, earthquake prediction, weather prediction, and global climate change. Such modeling is fundamentally interdisciplinary; physical and mathematical modeling at appropriate scales, physical experiments, mathematical theory, probability and statistics, numerical approximations, and large-scale computational algorithms all have important roles to play.
This conference facilitates communication between scientists of varying backgrounds and work environments facing similar issues in different fields, and provides a forum in which advances in parts of the larger modeling picture can become known to those working in other parts. These kinds of interactions are needed for meaningful progress in understanding and predicting complex physical phenomena in the geosciences.

###########################################################################; on behalf of; Lorraine Hwang

Dear Colleagues,

The next SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences will be organized at Stanford University, June 29 – July 2, 2015. The themes are (at large) mathematical models and methods in the Geosciences. More details can be found in the attached flyer, and at

Your participation is warmly welcome!

The organizers would like to encourage you to organize minisymposia. If needed, please, feel free to discuss possible proposals with members of the committee. Please, note some changes in policy when compared to the previous editions. These changes have been made to retain an acceptable level of parallelism in the conference sessions:
- A minisymposium consists of six 15-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for discussion after each presentation. Prospective minisymposium organizers are asked to submit a proposal consisting of a title, a description (not to exceed 100 words), and a list of speakers and titles of their presentations using the Conference Management System available at:
- A minisymposium organizer may submit up to two minisymposium sessions but is strongly encouraged to only submit proposal for a single session. Any organizers asking for two sessions may be asked to reduce the number of speakers, or coordinate with other minisymposia that might be overlapping or closely related.
- The GS15 Organizers also wish to encourage minisymposium organizers to leave two of the six slots open so that they can be filled by contributed talks on related topics.
We hope to meet all of you at the conference!
Thank you for your attention and best regards,
Sorin Pop (on behalf of the Organizing committee)

Dr. Iuliu Sorin Pop
Prof., Math. and Natural Sci., University of Bergen (NO)
Assoc. Prof., Math. & Comp. Sci., Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
Mail: P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Office: MetaForum 5.106, Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ, Eindhoven
Phone: +31 40 2475516, Fax: +31 40 2442489,
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