Professor Zuhair H. El-Isa,PhD publications

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Professor Zuhair H. El-Isa,PhD publications

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The Jordan University Seismological station (UNJ)
El-Isa, Z. H. Proc. First Jord.Geolo. Conf. ,Amman. PP . 542-564 Jord. Geol. Assoc., Amman. Sept. 1982
Seismic Risk in Jordan, Proc., First Jord. Geol. Conf.
El-Isa, Z. PP. 523-541 Jord. Geol. Assoc., Amman Sept. 1982
Spatiotemporal variations in the b-value of earthquake magnitude–frequency distributions: Classification and causes
El-Isa, Z. H. and Eaton, D. Tectonophysics 615-616, PP 1-11 2014
Historical Seismicity of the Jordan Dead Sea Transform Region and Seismotectonic Implications
El-Isa, Z. H.; S. McKnight & D. Eaton Arab. J. Geosc. 10.1007/s12517-014-1483-y 2014
Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Gulf of Aqaba Region.
El-Isa, Z. H. Arab. J. Geosci. 6:3437-3449 2013
Continuous-cyclic variations in the b-value of the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution
El-Isa, Z. H. Earthq. Sci. 26(5):301-320 2013
Geophysical studies at the Forensic Laboratory Building site, Yasmine Area, Amman
El-Isa, Z. H. 35PP Center for Consultation, University of Jordan 2010
Geophysical studies at the Ajlune Hospital site
El-Isa, Z. H. Technical Services and Studies 33PP Jordan University 2009
Geophysical studies at Kufranja dam site, Ajlune
El-Isa, Z. H. 60PP Center for Consultation, University of Jordan 2009
Geophysical investigations at Wadi Lajjoun dam site
El-Isa, Z. H. Technical Services and Studies, Jordan University 28PP Center for Consultation 2007
Geophysical investigations at Wadi Ma’ain dam site,
El-Isa, Z. H. Technical Services and Studies, Jordan University 34PP Center for Consultation 2006
Geophysical exploration for water in Feedan Area, Wadi Araba
El-Isa, Z. H. 81PP Center for Consultation, University of Jordan 2005
The earthquake sequence of Main-Dead Sea area
El-Isa, Z. H.; Qaryouti, M. and A. Amrat N.R.A. Seminar, June 22-23: 15PP 2004
The earthquake monitoring network of Oman
El-Isa, Z. H. and Franke, M. ORFEUS Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 2, P.9 2002
The seismicity of the Sultanate of Oman
El-Isa, Z. H. Proc. Conf. Seismic Hazard Arab Region, 15PP Sharja Univ. 2002
A Proposal for the establishment of the Omani Earthquake Monitoring Center at Sultan Qaboos University
El- Isa, Z. EMC 12 PP SQU 1999
Earthquake activity of April, 1999 in Rustaq area, Oman
El-Isa, Z. H. 10PP Earthquake Center, Sultan Qaboos University 1999
تقييم أخطار الزلازل في سلطنة عمان
El-Isa, Z. H. 11PP Sultan Qaboos University 1999
Geophysical investigations for groundwater in Zara- Main area
El-Isa, Z. and Said, A. Centre for Consultation 183PP University of Jordan 1998
Geophysical investigations for groundwater in nine Mauritanian cities
El-Isa, Z. Centre for Consultation 189PP University of Jordan 1998
earthquake hazard evaluation and methods of mitigating their environmental impact
Kahhala et al. 56PP Royal Scientific Society, Amman 1997
Seismic refraction studies at Karak dam site
El-Isa, Z. H. 38PP Center for Consultation, University of Jordan 1996
Assessment of the hazard of subsidence and sinkholes in Ghor Al Haditha area
El-Isa, Z. et al. Centre for Consultation 141PP University of Jordan 1995
Geophysical exploration for underground water in Ghor Isal area, Dead Sea region
El-Isa, Z.; Rimawi, O. and Said, A. Centre for Consultation 120PP University of Jordan 1995
Geological studies of the proposed Isal dam site
El-Isa, Z.; Rimawi, O. and Said, A. 32PP Centre for Consultation 1995
Seismicity of Wadi Araba Dead Sea region
El-Isa, Z. H. Cairo University 245-255 Proc. Geol. Arab World, Cairo University, 1992 1992
Seismicity and seismic hazard in the Jordan Dead Sea transform region
El- Isa, Z. and Mitchell, B.J. Jordan University 44 PP 1991
A combined P and S- wave interpretation of deep seismic sounding data from Jordan, Proc. 3rd Jord. Geol. Conf.
El-Isa, Z.; Mechie, J and Prodehl, C. Jord . Geol . Assoc., Amman. PP. 409-433 1990
Lithospheric structure of the Jordan Dead Sea transform from earthquake data
El-Isa, Z. Tectonophysics 180:29-36 1990
A combined P and S- wave interpretation of deep seismic sounding data from Jordan
El-Isa, Z. H.; Mechie, J. and Prodehl, C. Proc. 3rd Jord. Geol. Conf., 1989, Amman PP 409 - 433 Jord. Geol. Assoc. 1990
Seismicity of the Jordan Dead Sea transform during the period 1981-1987
El-Isa, Z. H. Proc. 4th Intern. Conf. Wegner/Medlas Project, Scheveningen, June 1989, Technical University, Delft PP 47 - 66 Technical
University, Delft 1990
Seismicity and tectonics of the Red Sea and western Arabia
El- Isa, Z. and Al shanty, A. Geophys. J. 97:449- 457 1989
Large tectonic and lithospheric structure of the Red Sea region
Bayer, H.;El-Isa, Z.; Hotzel, H.; Mechie, J.; Prodehl, c. and Saffarini, Gh. E. Afr. J. Earth Sci. 8:565-587 1989
Seismic and seismological studies of the Jordan Dead Sea transform
El-Isa, Z. Science Bull 6: 53-72 Sana a University 1988
Upper lithospheric deformations in the Jordan Dead Sea transform regim
Mechie, J. and El-Isa, Z. Tectonophysics 153: 153-159 1988
Tensional and strike slip tectonics in the Karak area (SE Dead Sea region)- results from tectonics and photogrammetric investigations
Bayer, H.; El-Isa, Z.; Ringle, K. and Saffarini, Gh. N. Jb. Palaont. Mh. H.4:223-232 1988
A proposalfor the establishement of a regional seismological network in western Saudi Arabia
Mukhtar, T.; Maamoun, M.; El-Isa, Z. H. & Bakor, A. King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 108PP King Abdul Aziz University 1988
Seismicity of the southern Jordan Dead Sea Transform
El-Isa, Z. H. and Hasweh, N. Proc. 3rd Arab Symp. Earthq. Seismology, March, 1986, King Saud Univ. PP 47-58 King Saud University,
Reyadh 1988
A crustal structure study of Jordan derived from seismic refraction data,
El-Isa, Z.; Mechie , J.; Prodehl, C., Makris, J. and Rhim, R. Tectonophysics 138: 235-253 1987
Earthquake deformations in the Lisan deposits and seismotectonic implications
El-Isa, Z.; and Mustafa, H. Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc., 86:413-424 Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. 1986
Professor Zuhair H. El-Isa,PhD
A deep seismic sounding experiment in Jordan
El-Isa, Z.; Makris, J. and Prodehl, C. DIRASAT 13:271-281 1986
S-wave and Poisson s ratio structure beneath Central Jordan
El-Isa, Z. H.; Mechie, J. & Prodehl, C. 1049 - 1069 University of Karlsruhe 1986
Geology of Jordan and Adjacent areas
El-Isa, Z. H. and Khaled, H. Proc. 2ng Jord. Geol. Conf., 22-24 April, 1985, Amman Jord. Geol. Assoc. 1986
Progress report on crustal structure of Jordan deduced from deep seismic soundings
El-Isa, Z. H.; Makris, J.; Rhim, R. ; Prodehl, C. and Mechie, J. El-Isa, Z. & Khaled, H. (edts), Proc. 2nd Jord. Geol. Conf., 22-24 April, 1985, Amman PP 11 - 24 Jord. Geol. Assoc. 1986
Possible induced earthquake activity along the Dead Sea transform fault system
El-Isa, Z. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 12:274-284. 1985
New iron occurrence west of Amman, Jordan
Mikbel, SH.; Saffarini, Gh. And El-Isa, Z. DIRASAT 12:113-124. 1985
Earthquake studies of some archaeological sites in Jordan
El-Isa, Z. H. Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. History & Archaeology of Jordan, April, 1983, Amman PP 229 - 236 1985
إسهامات العلماء العرب والمسلمين في علوم الزلازل – تطبيقات على زلزالية حفرة الانهدام الأردني
زهير حسن العيسى 193-214 جمعية الدراسات و البحوث الإسلامية عمان 1985
seismological evidence for shallow crystalline basement in the Southern Uplands of Scotland
Hall,J.; Powell, D; Warner, M.; El-Isa, Z.; Adeanaya, O. and Bluck, B. Nature 305: 418-420 1983
Magnetic and gravity studies of the Northern Dead Sea rift
El-Isa, Z. H. and Kharabsheh, A. Proc. First Jord. Conf., Sept. 1982, PP. 483-502, Amman. Jord. Geol. Association 1983
Seismic studies of local events received at three arrays in Southern Central Scotland
El-Isa, Z. H. Ph. D. Thesis v. 21:85-99 Glasgow University 1977
A study of the seismic reflection survey
El-Isa, Z. H. M.Sc Thesis Strathclyde University 1974
زهير العيسى موسوعة الكويت العلمية مؤسسة الكويت للتقدم العلمي 1990
The Gulf of Aqaba earthquake swarm of Jan.-April 1983
El-Isa, Z., Merghelani, H. and Bazari, M Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc 78: 711-722 1984
Foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2011 March 11 Japan earthquake and other Recent great earthquakes
El-Isa, Z. H. and L. Ruff SSA Annual Meeting, 2011 2011
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