10thGulf Seismic Forum 2018 March 19-22 Oman

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10thGulf Seismic Forum 2018 March 19-22 Oman

Post by salsinawi »

http://www.meseisforum.net/Docs/Cyber_J ... 9_2018.pdf

The complete proceedings are posted on the MESF Cyber Journal of Geoscience as the link above shows


Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat GULF SEISMIC FORUM 2018

https://conferences.squ.edu.om/Portals/ ... SF2018.pdf

Seismic and Earthquake Engineering Studies in the Arabian Plate Region 19 – 22 March 2018 Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat,Sultanit of Oman

The Earthquake Monitoring Center (EMC) of Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) is pleased to announce that Gulf Seismic Forum 2018 will be held in the Sultanate of Oman during March 19-22, 2018. We welcome all who are interested to attend and participate.
Gulf Seismic Forum 2018 is the tenth in a series of very successful conferences on “Seismology and Earthquakes in the Arabian Gulf Region”, as previously organized by:
1. University of Sharjah, February 2004.
2. United Arab Emirates University in Al-Ain, February 2005.
3. Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, February 2006.
4. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), February 2007,
5. Seismology and Volcanology Observatory Center in Yemen, April 2008,
6. National Center of Meteorology and Seismology in Abu Dhabi, March 2010,
7. Saudi Geological Survey in Saudi Arabia, January 2012.
8. Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, February 2013.
9. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), April 2015,
Conferences provided an opportunity for scientists and engineers to present relevant results, to propose potential collaborations, and identify areas requiring additional research.
A number of important outcomes and recommendations have resulted from the Forums and will be addressed in this Forum, hosted by the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman.
Papers and research dealing with topics of seismology, earthquake engineering, seismic hazard mitigation and geophysical research in the Arabian Peninsula region are welcomed at Gulf Seismic Forum 2018.

Tectonic Background
The continent-continent collision between Arabia and Eurasia led to the development of the Zagros Mountain Belt and the Eastern Anatolian Plateau. Furthermore, opening of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the MiocenePliocene times has set the initial stages for an Arabian plate separation from “mother” Africa plate. Continued motion of Arabia towards the north and northeast resulted in further separation of Arabia from Africa along the Dead Sea Fault System in the Pliocene times. Seismic activity recorded by networks both within and external to the Arabian plate shows high concentration of earthquakes along Arabian plate boundaries, examples include the Zagros Mountain Belt, and the Dead Sea Fault System. This pattern is strongly evident by recent and historic devastating earthquakes that claimed the lives of many hundreds to thousands of people, examples of those still resonate in our minds, such as the Dhamar Earthquake in Yemen, 1980, the Aqaba Earthquake, 1985 and the Bam Earthquake in Iran, 2003. Earthquakes do not recognize geographic or political borders, their damaging effects are regional, a perfect example of this, is the Sumatra earthquake 2004, which generated tsunami that swept the Indian Ocean from Sumatra to India, to Somalia, and to Oman where 2-4 meters run-up were measured in the Salalah coastal areas. Cooperation between countries is crucial in seismic and earthquake engineering studies to assess their hazards and mitigate their vulnerable effects. Hence, production of large-scale seismic intensity and hazard maps and developing earthquake resistant design code for the entire region and its surrounding, is vital to public safety and future development. Conference Topics - Seismology and active tectonics - Seismic networks: data processing, and analysis - Seismic hazard, risk and mitigation - Structural and earthquake engineering - Tsunami hazard session

Goals and Objectives
This Forum is a venue for the presentation of ideas and recent research work on seismology, seismic hazards, and earthquake engineering in and around the Arabian Peninsula. The Forum will cover discussions on seismic and earthquake engineering related topics, and provide platform for the planning of region-wide collaborative seismological studies and exchange of seismic data between centers in the region. Cultural and Touristic Trip There would be an opportunity to take a tour of the Grand Mosque followed by Muscat attraction during the evening of March 21, 2018, following the day’s session. Abstract The Forum is inclusive only of oral presentations, with no poster presentations. Presenters are requested to submit an electronic copy of their abstracts by November 1, 2017. Notification of abstract acceptance will send by December 18, 2017. The number of presentations to be accepted will be limited to the time available of the planned Forum. Preference will be given to topics within the geographical region of the Arabian Peninsula and/or relevant to the technical topics of the Forum. If space allows, papers dealing with nearby regions will be accepted. Please adhere to submission deadline. Abstracts should be electronically mailed to: gsf2018@squ.edu.om Or to adeif@squ.edu.om adeif@hotmail.com Publication Authors of the best presentation will be requested to submit full length papers for possible publication in a special issue in the Arabian Journal of Geoscience

Enquiries and Correspondence
All enquiries and submissions should be directed to:
Dr. Issa El-Hussain, email (elhussain@squ.edu.om) Tel (00968) 24142642, Fax (00968) 24413137
or Prof. Khalifa Al-Jabri, email (aljabri@squ.edu.om) Tel (00968) 24141335, Fax (00968) 24141331
Mailing Address Sultan Qaboos University, Earthquake Monitoring Center P.O. Box 50 Al-Khoudh, Postal Code 123 Muscat – Sultanate of Oman Phone (00968) 24142642, Fax (00968) 24413137 Email: gsf2018@squ.edu.om

Organizing Committee
Dr. Issa El-Hussain, Chairman
Prof. Sobhi Naser
Prof. Khalifa Al-Jabri
Dr. Ahmed Deif
Dr. Salah Al-Khirbash
Dr. Adel Mohamed
Dr. Ghazi Al-Rawas
Mr. Majid Al-Saifi
Mr.Yousuf Al-Shijbi
Mr. Zaid Al-Habsi
Mr. Mohammad Al-Rawahi
Mr. Khamis Al-Musharfi

Conference Website Address

For most recent information on the conference program and other details see the conference website at: https://conferences.squ.edu.om/Portals/ ... index.html Important Dates November 1, 2017
Abstracts submission deadline
December 18, 2017 Abstract acceptance receipt January 04, 2018 Registration and visa application March 19-22, 2018 Gulf Seismic Forum 2018

Those interested in attending the Forum are required to fill in the registration form (can be downloaded from the conference website and emailed as an attachment later).The registration form should be received no later than 4th of January 2018. The conference language is English. No registration fee is required to attend the forum. Venue The Conference will be held at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. Presentation equipment will be provided at the venue.
Accommodation can be arranged at nearby hotels and at participant expenses. A list of Forum recommended hotels will be announced later. A very limited number of rooms at the University guest house will also be available.
Transportation from selected hotels to the Forum Venue will be provided. Visa If required and requested, Sultan Qaboos University will assist in obtaining an entrance visa to attend the Forum. Participants needing visas to enter Oman to attend the Forum, must fax or scan and email the information pages of their passport by 4th of January 2018.
The information required for visa include full name, mother’s name and recent photo.
Steering Committee –
Prof. Abdullah Al-Amri –
Prof. Khalifa Al-Jabri –
Dr. Abdullah Al-Enezi –
Dr. Issa El-Hussain –
Mr. Khamis Al-Shamsi
-Mrs. Eman Al-Khatib –
Eng. Hani Zahran –
Mr. Khalil Ibrahim –
Mr. Mohamad Jabir Almirri
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