8th Int. Conf. Seismology and Eq Eng Nov 2019 Tehran IRAN

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8th Int. Conf. Seismology and Eq Eng Nov 2019 Tehran IRAN

Post by salsinawi »


Invitation from Conference Chairman

Following the success of the previous seven International Conferences of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE) in Tehran, the SEE8 will be organized under the auspices of International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) in November 2019, in the anniversary of Sarpol-e Zahab, Iran Earthquake of 2017.
With the theme of "Science-Based Sustainable Development in Earthquake Prone Countries", SEE8 provides a unique opportunity for academia, professionals, experts, local governments, insurance agencies, private sectors, and social science practitioners, to exchange and share the latest advances in earthquakes, risk management, building and geotechnical science, and policy initiatives to improve resiliency. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology and Disaster Risk Management.
We invite you to participate in the SEE8, its side events, and at the same time enjoy Iran's stunning natural and cultural beauty.

Conference Chairman
Mohammad Kazem Jafari
IIEES President
Conference Co-Chairs
Abdolreza S. Moghadam
Farokh Parsizadeh

.: About IIEES

Iran, being located between two Arabian and Euro-Asian tectonic plates, has experienced several destructive earthquakes, leaving heavy causalities and serious deterioration in different periods of its history. Over 130 severe earthquakes happened in the 20th century in this country, leaving socio-economic losses and long-lasting effects that indicate the seismicity and vulnerability of this country. Unfortunately, during some of these disastrous natural events even the invaluable evidences of ancient Persian culture have been flattened to the ground. All the aforementioned facts confirm the crucial necessity of being concerned about seeking a solution in order to prevent and reduce these effects. Regarding high seismicity, vulnerability and high seismic risk of this region, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IIEES) was established in November 1989 following the suggestion of 24 th UNESCO General Conference and approval of Iranian government “Council of Higher Education Development” based on the investment of Iranian experts in the earthquake engineering. In order to realize the goals of institute and develop the knowledge in this field, training the intelligent students could be of great help. In this regard, IIEES was approved as a “Research Center” at the 408th meeting of “Council of Higher Education Development” in 1999 and its new doctrine was affirmed in August 2001. Today IIEES is engaged in implementation of national and international projects and will take effective steps in protecting the lives and properties of human being against the activities of nature. The main goals of IIEES are investigation, technology and education in all aspects relevant to seismology, earthquake engineering, earthquake hazard, and suggesting practical approaches and supporting their implementation to reduce the risks of earthquakes, and develop the security culture against earthquakes in this country and the region.
For more information about IIEES, please go to ww.iiees.ac.ir

.: SEE History
International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE) as one of the most important scientific gathering has so far provided an opportunity for researchers to share their latest knowledge and experiences toward earthquake risk mitigation and management. IIEES has successfully organized the following SEE Conferences every four years:

.: Important Dates
Important dates
Extended Abstracts Due: November 1st, 2018
Notification of Acceptance December 1s, 2018
Full Papers Due: February 1st, 2019
Opening Ceremony: November 11th, 2019
Closing Ceremony:

: Conference Committees

Subjects Code Conference Topics
EP Seismotectonics and Paleoseismology
ES Seismology and Seismic Network
EG Engineering Seismology and SGM
EH Seismic Hazard Modeling and Analysis
EW Earthquake Early Warning System
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Subjects Code Conference Topics
GE Earth Structures: Foundations, Retaining Walls, Embankment Dams, Tunnels, etc
GS Site Effects and Soil-Structure Interaction
GT Geotechnical Testing and Physical Modeling
GH Geotechnical Hazards
Structural Earthquake Engineering
Subjects Code Conference Topics
SM Structural Modeling and Seismic Analysis
SD Seismic Design of Structures and Codes
SR Seismic Retrofit of Structures
SV Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofitting
ST Structural Testing and Modeling
SH Structural Health Monitoring of Buildings and Infrastructures
SI Seismic Isolation and Structural Control
SC Construction Policies and Regulations
SB Seismic Retrofit of Historical Buildings
Earthquake Risk Management
Code Subjects Conference Topics
RI Risk and Resilience of Infrastructures
RD Integrated Disaster Risk Management
RL Risk Modeling and Loss Assessment
RS Socio and Cultural Consequences of Earthquake
RE Earthquake Insurance and Economy
RC Risk Communication and Public Education
RR Response, Rehabilitation and Recovery
RU Urban Risk and Resilience


Firstname1 LASTNAME1
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address

Firstname2 LASTNAME2
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address

Firstname3 LASTNAME3
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address

Keywords: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4, Keyword5

The SEE8 committee intends to publish all the accepted abstracts in hardcopy and all the full papers in DVD format. Therefore, it is essential to prepare the abstracts according to this guideline. The extended abstracts should reflect the main purposes, methodology, results and other important achievements of the research briefly.
You are only allowed to submit 7 abstracts (maximum 3 as first author). Please upload your abstract in doc format in SEE8 website at www.see8.ir before November 1, 2018.
Title of the extended abstract should be written left using bold upper case 14 point Times New Roman font. Authors’ full names should be written with two blank lines after the abstract title. The title, institution name, city, country and e-mail address of each author should be written in italic 10 points Times New Roman font after that. Then, five Keywords should be written according to the indicated format.
Abstract should not be longer than two pages. The text starts after one blank under EXTENDED ABSTRACT title in single line spacing with Times New Roman 11 point font within the body text and indent paragraphs 1 cm. Please make sure that you select and mark the most suitable subject for your abstract given in the list of Conference Subjects.
All the Tables, Figures and Equations used within the text should be numbered in sequence. Table Captions should be placed above each table, and one blank line should be used between the caption and the previous paragraph. Characters used in tables must be Times New Roman font at least 9 point. Tables should be centred in page, and table size should not exceed page margins. One blank line should also be used beneath Tables. If a Table is cited from any other publication, the Reference should be mentioned.

Table 1. Foreshocks of the 2006 Silakhor, Iran, Earthquake (Amini Hosseini et al., 2009)
Magnitude Longitude Latitude Time (GMT) Date No.
4.6 48.850 33.552 16:17:07 March 30, 2006 1
2.8 48.652 33.574 18:32:21 March 30, 2006 2
2.9 48.832 33.482 19:17:05 March 31, 2006 3
5.1 48.812 33.477 19:36:20 March 31, 2006 4
3.2 48.839 33.567 22:00:31 March 31, 2006 5
5.9 48.858 33.476 01:17:03 March 31, 2006 6

Figures should be centred and aligned “inline with text” using Format Object Toolbar, Layout tag. Figures should be numbered consecutively and Figure Captions should be given centred beneath each Figure. Please pay attention to the quality of the Figures to be readable in small size when reproducing (i.e. 300 dpi). Axis should be clearly defined; usage of only symbols should be avoided. Units should be given on the axis. Legend and axis descriptions should be readable. If a Figure is cited from any other publication, the Reference should be mentioned.

Figure 1. Side and plan views of hydromagnetic bearing, supporting plate, and peripheral accessories (Villaverde, 2011)

Equations used in the main text should be centred and numbered consecutively. Equation numbers should be placed at the right end of the equation line between parentheses. Equation Editor should be used to create Equations using 11 point Symbols and Times New Roman font.


References should be prepared according to APA style and placed at the end of the paper after two blank lines. They should be sorted in alphabetical order with respect to surnames. If several works by the same author are cited, entries should be chronological, as the latest one given first. References should be written using 10 point Times New Roman font, without indent. Please leave one blank line after each reference. You may use Citation Machine website at www.citationmachine.net/apa to better prepare your references.


Amini Hosseini, K., Hosseini, M., Jafari, M., & Hosseinioon, S. (2009) Recognition of Vulnerable Urban Fabrics in Earthquake Zones: A Case Study of the Tehran Metropolitan Area. Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 10(4), 175-187

Villaverde, R. (2011) Recent Advances in Base Isolation Technology. Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 13(3-4), 209-2018

Clough, R. W., & Penzien, J. (1975). Dynamics of Structures. Tokio: Mc Graw-Hill Kogakusha

Motamed, H. (2012). Determination of indices and criteria of urban seismic safety against earthquake. Ph.D. Dissertation. International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran

Principal Contact
SEE8 Secretariat
Tel/Fax: +98 (21) 22833638
Email: info@see8.ir
Instagram: See8conference
Floor 2, No 21, West Arghavan, North Dibaji, Farmanieh, Tehran, Iran
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