6th Fault2SHA Workshop
6th Fault2sha ESC Working Group WORKSHOP
Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy
We are ready for the 6th Workshop of the Fault2SHA ESC Working Group. It will be held in Chieti on January 19-20, 2023. It is the first in-person meeting after years; it follows the kickoff meeting of the new Horizon Europe MSCA-DN project TREAD, leaded by the University of Chieti-Pescara. TREAD will open 11 phD positions in Europe soon.
About 45 experienced and early career researchers are expected; key-note lectures will be recorded for the community. Enjoy the PRE-WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, and the mountains’ view!
First announcement
We are pleased to announce that we are organizing an in-presence meeting of the Fault2sha community after 2 years of COVID and online meetings.
The occasion: Kick-off of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network “TREAD: data and pRocessess in sEismic hAzarD” project. The aim of TREAD is to train a new generation of researchers to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic settings using integrated observations and physics.
11 PhD positions will be available soon. Some of the TREAD project partners will stay on after the kick-off and contribute to the Fault2sha workshop. We are aware that this late notice will not allow many of you to come and we deeply regret it.
We hope to have time, money, and energy to organize a proper Fault2sha Workshop in 2024. Volunteers are welcome.
The topics: The reliability of earthquake forecasting models and seismic hazard estimates based on the definition of fault models and physics-based inferences require establishing realistic geological and geophysical constraints including the state of stress, fault geometry, tectonic loading, rheological and frictional properties and constitutive laws of fault zones and host rocks. However, such geological and geophysical constraints are often difficult to obtain.
During the 2-days Fault2sha workshop we will discuss how geologists, geodesists and seismologists are currently tackling the challenging task of building reliable earthquake forecasting models based on the definition of fault models and physics-based inferences.
Three keynote lectures by Giulio Di Toro, Erwan Pathier and Men-Andrin Meier will provide an overview on their specific topics and outstanding key questions that need to be addressed to establish realistic geological and geophysical constraints including the state of stress, fault geometry, tectonic loading, rheological and frictional properties and constitutive laws of fault zones and host rocks. We will also spend an afternoon discussing key scientific and technical issues facing the Fault2sha community today be it in laboratory studies or in the acquisition and interpretation of geologic, geodetic, and seismological observations.
We encourage all contributions (10-15 minutes talks max) that aim at improving our understanding of earthquake and fault-based seismic hazard methodologies.
The location: Palazzetto dei Veneziani, Chieti, Italy (“Il Palazzetto dei Veneziani a Chieti” Storia, arte e curiosità in un seminario sul settecentesco palazzetto | Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”Chieti – Pescara (unich.it))
Important dates:
• Workshop: 19-20 January 2023
• Registration deadline: 30 November 2022
• Please fill out the pre-registration form HERE
• Confirmation to accepted participant: 8 December 2022
IMPORTANT: The number of participants is limited to 50. A confirmation letter will be send to the accepted participants before Dec, 8 2022. Chieti being a small town we need to communicate the number of participants to the catering company, and you need to make reservations.
Costs: Lunch and coffee breaks are about 25 €/day. For accommodation we encourage you to book ASAP. Let us know if you have any problems.
Accommodation: Please find below a list of Bed and Breakfasts that are available in Chieti, walking distance from the event location in alternative to the only hotel available (Grande Albergo Abruzzo).
• CIVICO35: 5 rooms sleeps 5/10
• B&B CIVICO 35 CHIETI (abruzzohotels24.com)
• DAI NONNI: apartment: 2 rooms sleeps 2/4
• Dai Nonni, Bed and Breakfast a Chieti – Home (bbdainonnichieti.it)
• CASA PARADISO Apartment: 2 rooms sleeps 3/5
• www.bbcasaparadiso.it
• IL SOGNO 3 rooms: 1 triple, 1 double e 1 single. sleeps 3/6
• https://beb.it/ilsognochieti/it/
• NIDO ANTICO 3 single/double rooms: sleeps 3/6
• https://m.bb30.it/str.asp?id=10781
• TEATE: 2 rooms sleeps 2/4
• TEATE: 1 room sleeps 1/4
• http://www.bbteate.it/
• NONNA FRANCA: apartment: 2 rooms (1 room with a sofa bed) sleeps 2/4
• Tel: +39 388 576 9190
• VIA COL VENTO 3 rooms: 1 quadruple, 1 triple, 1 double sleeps 3/9
• http://www.viacolvento-abruzzo.it/
• LA CASA DI ACHILLE 3 rooms: 2 doppia, 1 triple. sleeps 3/7
• Home – La casa di Achille B&B
• DIMORA CASTELLI 4 rooms $$$ sleeps 4/8
• +39 328 110 9468
• ANTICO BORGO 1 single/2 double/1 triple $$$ sleeps 3/6
• https://www.anticoborgochieti.it/about-us/
• DOMUS TUA 3 rooms sleeps 3/6
• +39 349 579 7237