
MESF would publish via this website (after its development) the seismological achievements carried out on the Middle Eastern Region, in an effort to bring together interested researchers from all over the world. This Cyber Journal, or Bulletin, will serve the scientific communities in the region and help disseminate the academic and intellectual contributions of scientists in the region to a much wider appreciative scientific audience.

Focal Point

MESF would provide a focal point for seismologists from various universities and research centres in the region, to be acquainted of the scientific contributions of fellow scientists, exchange ideas and data and explore avenues of cooperation on the regional and international scopes.

Data Bank Development

MESF would start to develop a data bank for seismologists and other scientists and researchers in the Region, who would be point of contact (corresponding members) for their region or research trend or both.

Compile Bibliography

MESF will work to compile a bibliography on the seismicity, geodynamics and other pertinent geophysical and geological data published in national and regional journals (probably not in English) to ensure their international accessibility.


MESF will work to compile a bibliography on the seismicity, geodynamics and other pertinent geophysical and geological data published in national and regional journals (probably not in English) to ensure their international accessibility.


MESF will disseminate announcements of international, regional and national conferences, meetings, workshops ..etc. in the region, to promote wider participation through attendance and/or submissions of papers and proceedings and publications distribution.


MESF would also contribute to the ongoing trend of popularizing seismology for the younger generations in the region; to propose tools to improve and develop curricula and model texts for that objective.