( CIG ) : Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

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( CIG ) : Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

Post by salsinawi »

Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics


Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) is a membership-governed organization that supports and promotes Earth science by developing and maintaining software for computational geophysics and related fields.

On behalf of its Member Institutions, CIG is now working under a Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation to develop, support, and disseminate open source software for the greater geodynamics community.

CIG consists of: (a) a coordinated effort to develop reusable, well-documented and open-source geodynamics software; (b) the basic building blocks — an infrastructure layer — of software by which state-of-the-art modeling codes can be quickly assembled; (c) extension of existing software frameworks to interlink multiple codes and data through a superstructure layer; (d) strategic partnerships with the larger world of computational science and geoinformatics; and (e) specialized training and workshops for both the geodynamics and larger Earth science communities.

CIG Institutional Membership

CIG is a nonprofit membership-governed organization that supports and promotes Earth science by developing and maintaining software for computational geophysics and related fields. Members are educational or nonprofit institutions chartered in the United States (US) or its Territories who are willing to make a clear and continuing commitment to active participation in the activities of the organization. Such activities include governance and participation in decisions that affect the programs, facilities, and scientific mission of CIG. Educational and nonprofit institutions not located in the US may be accepted as a Foreign Affiliate.

Working Groups

Working Groups CIG Mantle Convection

Working Groups CIG Long-Term Crustal Dynamics

Working Groups CIG Computational Science

Working Groups CIG Short-Term Crustal Dynamics

Working Groups CIG Geodynamo

Working Groups CIG Computational Seismology

Working Groups CIG Magma Migration


CIG Documents

Documents CIG Five-year Strategic Plan: Sept. 1, 2006 to Aug. 31, 2011 (July 2006)
This year's Strategic Plan (SP) was developed by the Science Steering Committee (SSC) with assistance provided by the CIG staff. Following the Feb. 28, 2006 site visit by NSF at CIG, the SSC held several telecoms at which an approach to the formulation of the SP was discussed. Each committee member polled different subdisciplines of the CIG communities and submitted written descriptions that included accomplishments and goals organized over the short-, intermediate-, and long-terms. An SSC meeting at CIG in Pasadena May 18-19 was held specifically to develop this SP. During the meeting, we reviewed our accomplishments and had extensive discussions on our goals while attempting to identify common themes in different disciplines. The finalized SP was submitted to NSF on July 17, 2006.
Documents 2006 NSF Site Visit Agenda and Presentations
Presentations from the February 28, 2006 NSF Site Visit to the CIG.
Documents CIG Archived Documents

CIG People


* Michael Aivazis, , Chief Software Architect, (626) 395-1696
* Luis Armendariz, , Software Engineer, (626) 395-1695
* Michael Gurnis, , Director, (626) 395-1698
* Sue Kientz, , Technical Writer and Web Manager, (626) 395-1694
* Matthew Knepley, , Software Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory, (630) 252-1870
* Walter Landry, , Software Engineer, (626) 395-4621
* Wei Mi, , Software Engineer and System Administrator, (626) 395-1692
* Ariel Shoresh, , Administrative Assistant, (626) 395-1699
* Leif Strand, , Software Engineer, (626) 395-1697
* Eh Tan, , Staff Scientist, (626) 395-1693


Events 2006 Workshop on Community Finite Element Models for Fault Systems and Tectonic Studies Golden, Colorado on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines, 2006-06-26 09:25:00 - 2006-06-30 17:25:00
The focus of this gathering will be on computational models addressing the seismic cycle across single and multiple events. A new emphasis this year will be on case studies from particular faulting environments, and on the key rheological behaviors that our models should consider. As in previous years, topics will also span a variety of computational issues including how to go from a geologic structural model to a finite element model, different numerical issues including optimal meshes and remeshing, and consideration of different bulk and fault zone rheologies. Another explicit goal of this workshop is to provide basic training in the installation, use, and customization of existing, freely available modeling software for crustal deformation. There will be dedicated time at the beginning and end of the workshop for hands-on interaction with other users and developers of the primary existing tools. This years workshop will be held from June 26-30, 2006 in Golden, Colorado on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines. Limited funding is available for all participants. This activity is supported by SCEC, CIG, NSF, and NASA.
Events Computational Magma Dynamics Workshop Morningside Campus of Columbia University, 2006-08-18 09:00:00 - 2006-08-19 17:00:00
Mantle melting and melt transport are fundamental processes that are essential for understanding the dynamics of plate boundaries as well as the geochemical evolution of the planet. Computationally, these problems are quite challenging and involve the addition of new physics and multiple temporal/spatial scales to mantle convection and tectonic deformation models. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss current progress and future goals for understanding and modeling magmatic processes in the Earth. In particular, we want to discuss opportunities for new software development afforded by CIG that would enable researchers to explore new science and better integrate theory with observations.
Events Earthscope Imaging Science/CIG Seismology Joint Workshop on Computational Seismology TBA, 2006-10-31 09:00:00 - 2006-11-02 17:00:00
Imaging Science and CIG Computational Seismology Workshop. Topics will include aspects of forward modeling and imaging with teleseismic data. Limited to 40 participants.
Events Scientific Computing Workshop Austin, Texas, 2006-10-16 09:00:00 - 2006-10-17 17:00:00
The emergence of terascale computing--and the arrival soon of the petascale era--provide tremendous opportunities for furthering the understanding of geodynamics systems and phenomena through large-scale computer modeling and simulation. However, geodynamics problems involve a number of complex features that present difficulties for scientific computing methods and tools, particularly at large scale. These include significant degrees of nonlinearity, heterogeneity, anisotropy, geometric complexity, multiphysics coupling, and multiscale/multirate behavior
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